June 5, 2024 | Dirk Schrader

The Top 5 Areas of Your IT Ecosystem to Monitor in 2024

The value of IT system monitoring In today’s complex IT ecosystems, extending equal protection across the entire network is simply not feasible. Instead, organizations need to determine which systems are inherently most critical and prioritize maintaining their operational integrity through...
June 2, 2020 | Ilia Sotnikov

Congratulations, you’re a CISO! Now what?

There is no escaping the fact that information security incidents can serious damage a company or even put it out of business. As organizations recognize the need to connect business risks with IT strategy, they are increasingly focusing on one person: their Chief Information Security Officer...
November 8, 2018 | Steve Dickson

Security and Business Leadership: How CISOs Should Talk to the Board

In today’s digital world, a technology risk is a business risk. With data breaches and ransomware constantly making headlines and hitting revenue, boardrooms are finally accepting the importance of managing security risks more effectively. However, they still often see CISOs primarily as...
December 20, 2016 | Larry Glusman

Security Practices: 3 Good Reasons to Gap Your Backup

Everyone knows how important it is to back up their data, right? Sadly, I feel like I should laugh after saying that because I know many people that don’t understand this basic concept. If you are reading this though, you are likely in the IT field, so should know that old saying: If you aren’t...
February 22, 2016 | Vlad de Ramos

IT Security Standards: What Is Best for My Organization (Part 1)

While it was a common concern for computing people to implement security measures within their information assets, there has to be a “de facto”, meaning, the standards which focuses on the minimum solutions that addresses information security concerns on an industry or on a regulatory...
August 17, 2015 | Krishna Kumar

Securing SharePoint: How and Why

SharePoint is one of the easiest applications to deploy and install, but it is not easy to configure with full proof security. Many administrators just perform the basic deployment without much security configuration. There is no set configuration to make it fully secure, since every environment is...
March 3, 2015 | Russell Smith

4 Ways to Avoid Malware Like Lenovo Superfish

PCs sold by Lenovo between September 2014 and January 2015 came pre-installed with Superfish VisualDiscovery, a piece of malware claiming to improve users’ Internet experience by adding visual results to Google search and other websites. But in reality, the main purpose of the software was to add...
February 25, 2015 | Richard Muniz

Internet Usage Policy Against Inappropriate Content

A recent posting in Spiceworks caught my attention. It seems that this admin was asked to generate an Internet usage report on a fellow employee. The next thing he knows, the employee was let go. Of course he felt somewhat guilty about it. Another poster was talking about a fellow user who has...
January 26, 2015 | Krishna Kumar

Ten Simple Ways to Prevent Security Breaches in SharePoint Server 2013

SharePoint server is one of the common applications in every organization. It’s used to share information and is accessed by all the teams in the organization helping people to share documents, calendars and much more – saving time on communication. Most of the Fortune 500 companies use...
January 22, 2015 | Richard Muniz

Recon as a Hacker's Tool

There’s an expression I always remember from my military days, and it goes like this, “Whoever wins the recon war, wins the war”. This is very true, and nowhere is it truer than in the Wild West world of hacking. But keep in mind that styles vary. Often times this is driven by knowledge and...
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